Baptist Health  

Prior to implementing MediLinks Inpatient IRFPPS Module, the inpatient rehab program at Baptist Health manually documented and scored Functional Independence Measures. Upon patient admission, staff noted the IRFPAI submission due date on a whiteboard. During the first three days, clinicians manually documented IRFPAI scores and stored them in the patient’s binder. From there, clinicians transferred the admission score, discharge score and goal into a separate binder designated for the entire program. On day four, the PPS Coordinator collected scores from the program binder and processed them for submission to UDS®. The rehab program made the process work; however, it presented challenges and risks.

  • Scores did not always provide an accurate representation of the patient’s functional status, or their true burden of care.
  • The quality of documentation that supported the scores varied from one clinician to the next.
  • Various clinicians scored the items that were typically managed by their own discipline. This limited the inclusion of functional status outside the therapy session.
  • The PPS Coordinator spent a considerable amount of time tracking down the score on a paper document.

Read the case study to learn how Baptist Health increased efficiencies and maintained compliance to JHACO and Medicare regulations. 

Read the Case Study 

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