Increasing Referrals for your Therapy Practice

Healthcare service providers need patients to stay in business, and for many providers, these patients are often referred by local physicians. But some therapists and other providers have taken a more proactive approach with traditional marketing campaigns such as direct mail and print advertising. While traditional marketing can yield some referrals, these strategies are increasingly less effective at reaching today’s consumers, who are accessing information and services in different ways.

Nontraditional options for generating referrals, which tap in to the power of the Internet and put your practice’s message where people are actively searching for healthcare solutions, are likely to have significantly better results. In fact, if used correctly, these tools, which include a blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and email, can help you cost-effectively reach patients both within and outside your local area. And someday, these new patient-acquisition strategies may become the primary referral sources for your healthcare practice or facility.

Download your free white paper to learn about five digital marketing strategies that can generate leads and encourage patients to choose your services

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About Aaron LeBauer

Aaron LeBauer PT, DPT, LMBT started a 100% cash based physical therapy practice right after graduation. He enjoys sharing his experiences in private practice and helping other therapists find freedom in practice.