4 Steps to Ensure Documentation is Efficient, Accurate and Supports Positive Outcomes

For all types of healthcare organizations, accurate documentation is the key to clean claims, maximized reimbursements, and better patient care. In rehab, when patients may need different types of care from different therapists each week, documentation is especially critical to ensuring seamless, consistent experiences with positive outcomes. Consistent documentation, using the same templates and terminology, is also critical for billing and reimbursement.

How do your documentation processes stack up? Are your clinicians still scrambling to complete charting at the end of the day or working on weekends to get caught up? And is your current system still resulting in denials and failed audits? If so, there is a better way to fulfill your documentation requirements without requiring overtime from your staff.

Download the e-brief to learn how to make your processes efficient, accurate, and consistent across all your rehab locations.

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About Aaron LeBauer

Aaron LeBauer PT, DPT, LMBT started a 100% cash based physical therapy practice right after graduation. He enjoys sharing his experiences in private practice and helping other therapists find freedom in practice.