Four Tips to Improving Patient Engagement in Therapy

Today's rehab professionals know that their therapy patients are more likely to make full recoveries when they complete their plans of care in their entireties. However, many patients cut their plans short as soon as they start to see improvement. For example, they'll be scheduled for ten visits, but will only attend three, then miss the rest as they begin to feel better. 

These self-alterations to care plans not only affect these patients' long-term health, but also cause the clinic financial losses. Many outpatient clinics turn to patient engagement as a way to capitalize on a patient's willingness to manage his or her own health while also promoting positive, compliant patient behavior.

Wise clinics figure that if they can help a patient understand the reasoning behind his or her care plan, they can inspire full participation in the recovery process. A well defined patient engagement process is critical to both patient health and long-term success as a clinic. 

Download the tip sheet for four tips to help your clinic develop an effective patient engagement strategy. 

Download Now 

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About Aaron LeBauer

Aaron LeBauer PT, DPT, LMBT started a 100% cash based physical therapy practice right after graduation. He enjoys sharing his experiences in private practice and helping other therapists find freedom in practice.